
Life is cruel and too short

Why one's life looks nothing like they want it to be? Why does one get hard time every step along the way while meantime another lives life fully? Even me writing now I write for a reason - it would have a different form if I would write for the book, different form if I would write a blog and different if I would only write for myself. I think that writing for yourself is the only kind of writing you ever wanna do. Even if you share it with the world afterwards. It is because if it comes from the bottom of your heart it will always be perfect. It will always feel right. You will feel free and it will benefit you at some point. Win win situation. It doesn't only apply to writing. It applies to everything. Your whole life. The only obligation that you have in life is to be true to yourself. Period. *** Had one of best weekends ever. I've had my man ringing me 1.30am Saturday night asking if he can crash at mine. I thought about it and said yes, why not. It was very nice...

get real

You were with for the last 16 hours and you have talked, you have laughed, you had sex, you ate and drank and you got scared. Not of the fact that he might not be right for you. Not of the fact that you are going to get back home and might feel empty again. Not of the fact that you have no plans for Saturday whatsoever. But of the fact he actually got up and went to get your favourite breakfast cereals and almond milk because he knows you are vegan and that means that he cares. And this means you are going to have to either cut it off or let yourself feel something. ... All your friends are busy. Sometimes you feel like you have no one. Which is true actually as we live as we dream, alone. You spent so much time being independent that you have missed out on being real. And now is the time to get fucking real.

Tytułem wstępu

Jeeeezu... Nazwa bloga- chyba najtrudniejsza decyzja z możliwych, przy zakładaniu bloga. Człowiek się tyle namęczy przy tym a jak blog jest ujowy to i nazwa nie pomoże. A mój będzie szczery, bo stwierdziłam, że po co mieć bloga jeśli się na nim kłamie?... Kilka faktów i ciekawostek o mnie: Wczoraj skończyłam dokładnie 24,5 lat. Za 10 dni minie dokładnie 5 lat odkąd mieszkam w UK. Przeprowadzka do i mieszkanie w UK to moja najtrudniejsza a zarazem najlepsza szkoła życia. Oficjalnie nie mam chłopaka, ale to nie znaczy, że nie będę o nich pisać. Lubię swoją pracę, ale docelowo chcę robić coś zupełnie innego. Kocham pisać- a najbardziej ręcznie, najlepiej piórem lub jakimś fajnym długopisem. Oto skrócona lista rzeczy, od których jestem uzależniona: zielona herba, mój telefon, pomarańcze i mandarynki, picie wody, systematycznie uzależniam się od seriali (GOT, Friends <regularnie oglądam od początku do końca i wogóle uważam, że to najlepszy serial ever>, Girls) i ...